Thursday 12 September 2013

Hey, im Megan and this is my very first post on blogger!

I have been set a task;to explain why i have chosen to do media studies as a GCSE...
I chose media because i know that for the next year in Brentford school for girls i will enjoy it. It sounds like something i really like to do. From what i've heard about it,its fun. Being fun isn't the only reason i want to do it. I like the sound of most activities we have been told about. It may also help me when im older as i want to be an actor,singer or dancer (maybe even all,if im lucky), and media offers education about certain things i might probably need! For example photographing, filming, recording etc... I would also like to learn about editing some things and blogs so when im older i am familiar with them and able to use both without struggle! So far,at the moment i am finding it quite simple and i enjoy it and hopefully i will do throughout the course.



1 comment:

  1. An interesting and controversial chose of image. I wonder if many other students know who she was and why she represented? You have written interestingly about your reasons for choosing Media. How do you think the skills you identify will help you with your ambitions?
